This clinic does NOT provide medical exemptions for the wearing of masks or medical exemptions from COVID-19 vaccinations.
Our fees are based on AMA rates and may be updated without notice. Medicare rebates are available for eligible patients which are done the same day using HICAPS if you bring your debit card.
*Note Medicare rebate is subject to change.
Phone and video consults are also available for follow up patients only and charged at the same above rate. Medicare rebates still apply.
For initial consults a $50 deposit for 1 hour consult will be taken (see above). $100 for 90 minutes. No exceptions. (Deposits are Non-refundable). If you fail to attend appointment without notice or with less than 1 business days notice you will be asked to pay for the missed consultation in full before re-booking a new appointment.
For all follow up consultations less than 1 business days notice of cancellation or non attendance without notice will incur the full fee of the consult to be charged as a cancellation fee which must be paid prior to your next appointment.
Extreme circumstances will be considered and will need to be proven to avoid this fee.
As a courtesy our receptionist will try to contact the patient 1 business day prior to the appointment to confirm attendance however ultimately it is the patient’s responsibility to remember their appointment time and keep their contact details updated. Cancellation fees will still apply if we are unable contact you for whatever reason.
IV vitamins prices will vary depending on the vitamin combination required to meet your needs. An informed consent form must be signed before the first IV vitamin infusion. There are no Medicare rebates for IV infusions.
Subject to change without notice: in-clinic appointments maybe required to be taken in the mornings. Afternoon in-clinic appointments are available at doctors discretion.
Medicare rebates may not be available on HICAPS machine in clinic. Usage of incorrect card or card details may result in claims being rejected. The clinic does not take responsibilities for rejected claims. Please contact Medicare.
Your tests may or may not be covered by Medicare. Check with the test providers about costs and do not engage any service or lab for a test without knowing exactly how much it costs or when the payment may be due.
The costs of tests and whether or not they are covered by Medicare or Private Medical Insurance is beyond the control of the doctors. The doctors do not request any tests that are unnecessary and will order tests covered by Medicare if indicated.
Please note we do not release results to a patient or third party before a follow up consult for that particular result.
Complete Medicine is a private practice. All patients should make themselves aware of the fee schedule and expect to pay on completion of their appointment.
Bulk billing of a consultation with the doctors should not be expected under any circumstances.
Complete Medicine is strictly APPOINTMENT ONLY and does not cater for ‘Walk Ins’ or urgent medical matters outside of scheduled appointments. There are multiple medical centres in Liverpool to cover these needs.
Patients should see their regular G.P. for any urgent or emergency consultations.
We do not do insurance claims, work cover, centrelink or third party. We do not do medical certificates. Patients should see their regular G.P. for this. We are only interested in the patient’s health and getting them better.
Some treatment may not covered by the PBS and would have to be paid for in full.
Some treatments may be outside the parameters of conventional medicine in Australia however, treatment is supported by empirical knowledge and research data.
The potential benefits and side effects of treatments will be explained and treatment is considered safe.
Patients are free to discuss treatment with other healthcare practitioners and continue to see their regular GP and specialist.
Patients should ensure they arrive before and no later than their scheduled appointment time. New patients should arrive 15 minutes beforehand. New patient forms can be completed online and will be automatically emailed to us once submitted. If you do not have internet access, it can be sent to you and completed at home before the appointment (this is the only way you will receive an initial appt) (see above).
All patients need to be prepared to wait beyond their scheduled appointment time if the treatment of the previous patient has run overtime.
Direct phone or video contact with the doctors is only available via an appointment and fees will apply. Please do not call Reception and ask to speak to the doctors as they are often unavailable during consultation hours. A message may however, be left with the receptionist advising them of the purpose of the call and the doctor may call you back depending on the situation. The doctor cannot give medical advice via email either. NO questions will be answered without a paid phone consult.
By seeing practitioners at Complete Medicine, patients must agree to change their lifestyle and habits to improve their health of their own free will.
Integrative medical assessments, investigations and treatments may consist of a combination of pharmaceutical, lifestyle and complementary assessments and treatments. As a medical doctor, priority will be given to your acute and emerging medical needs at every appointment. All medical advice is provided within the scope of the extensive training in both mainstream and integrative medicine.
Medical information is provided as advice and you retain the right to choose or decline any recommendations provided. Where appropriate, you may be offered a choice between conventional or complementary medicine or undertaking no treatment. At all times it remains your right to consent or decline assessments and/or treatments. You are entitled and invited to seek further information as to this advice including what evidence exists for the use of any prescribed assessment or treatment, safety and risk factors involved in an assessment or treatment, possible outcomes and costs likely to be incurred with any treatment.
Some assessments and treatments may be considered to be outside the parameters of conventional medicine (considered “complementary, unconventional and/or emerging”) as defined by non-integrative medical doctors. You understand that some doctors may see these treatments as complementary, unconventional or emerging and may lack placebo-controlled double-blind studies of their scientific proof such that their use currently remains controversial. Some tests or treatments recommended will not be covered by Medicare and/or Private Health Insurance.
These integrative medical assessments and treatments are supported by empirical knowledge, used widely by successful integrative medical doctors in Australia/overseas and are only prescribed with the utmost of care. You further understand that in undertaking any form of conventional and/or complementary integrative medical assessment or treatment that results cannot be guaranteed and you accept this prospect.
The tests, treatments and products are considered generally safe when used according to appropriate prescription and ongoing consultation with your prescribing doctor. Any specific risks associated with treatment will be discussed with you at the time of prescription.
Any supplement recommended is selected based on quality, optimal medical formulation, high safety profile and cost effectiveness. All supplements are Therapeutic Goods Administration approved within Australia. On occasion you may be prescribed a medication “off label” (outside of TGA guidelines), the use and potential risks of which will be discussed with you.
Supplements purchased off recommended websites like, bioceuticals and metagenics are supplied for your convenience and a financial benefit from sale may occur. You are under no obligation to purchase supplements from these websites.
You agree to the following:
50-60 minutes ; $360 (level D medicare rebate) 20-40 minutes ; $180 (level C medicare rebate )
40-50 minutes ; $270 (level D medicare rebate )
5-20 minutes ; $90 (level B medicare rebate )
I will have to wear a mask during the consult and I will be temperature checked-
If you present to this practice with a fever or respiratory symptoms you will be asked to provide a Rapid antigen test at your own cost or covid 19 pcr test which is recent less than 48 hours old. It is our medicolegal right to protect our staff. You will also be asked to wear a mask. (do you accept)- It is my responsibility NOT to attend this clinic with a fever or respiratory symptoms and may be refused consultation until COVID 19 has been excluded. The appointment will be cancelled and I will be charged the full fee of the consult if this scenario arises and the doctor is unable to see me .
Any behaviour deemed aggressive, threatening or insulting to any practice staff member immediately disqualifies me from the practice as it deems the doctor patient relationship untenable . This will be determined by the DIRECTOR of the practice.